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5442 results:
go to “Une femme comme moi…remettre un bouton?...vous êtes fou!...” (“A woman like a button?’re crazy!...”), from the series Les Bas bleus page

Honoré Daumier

“Une femme comme moi…remettre un bouton?...vous êtes fou!...” (“A woman like a button?’re crazy!...”), from the series Les Bas bleus

go to “Soyez tranquilles, Messieurs, il y en aura pour tous.” (“Rest assured, Gentlemen, there will be enough for everyone.”) page

L. C.

“Soyez tranquilles, Messieurs, il y en aura pour tous.” (“Rest assured, Gentlemen, there will be enough for everyone.”)

go to —Un supposé qu'on laisserait périr l'Italie….. (—Suppose that we let Italy perish…..), from the series Haute Politique (High Politics), published in Le Charivari page

Fréderic Bouchot

—Un supposé qu'on laisserait périr l'Italie….. (—Suppose that we let Italy perish…..), from the series Haute Politique (High Politics), published in Le Charivari

27 September 1848
go to —Tiens, c’est un artiste! dort. (—Look, it’s an artist!...he is sleeping.), from the series A La Campagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

—Tiens, c’est un artiste! dort. (—Look, it’s an artist!...he is sleeping.), from the series A La Campagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari

10 May 1850
go to —Comment ça, c’est la Guimard...une fameuse danseuse...mais on ne lui a seulement pas fait de jambes... (—What do you mean, this is Guimard...a famous dancer...but the legs are missing...), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

—Comment ça, c’est la Guimard...une fameuse danseuse...mais on ne lui a seulement pas fait de jambes... (—What do you mean, this is Guimard...a famous dancer...but the legs are missing...), published in Le Charivari

c. 1843–66
go to — Ça….tu me feras croire que ça ouvre toutes les portes…..un rameau vert….(— This….You would have me believe that it opens all doors…an olive branch….), from the series L'Opéra au XIXème. Siècle (The Opera in the 19th Century), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

— Ça….tu me feras croire que ça ouvre toutes les portes…..un rameau vert….(— This….You would have me believe that it opens all doors…an olive branch….), from the series L'Opéra au XIXème. Siècle (The Opera in the 19th Century), published in Le Charivari

go to — Tiens, voilà Mr. Poitevin qui passe….. (— Look, Mr. Poitevin is flying…..), from the series A La Campagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

— Tiens, voilà Mr. Poitevin qui passe….. (— Look, Mr. Poitevin is flying…..), from the series A La Campagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari

18 September 1850
go to — Mossieure le maire ayant défendu qu'on ne se baigne en cet endroit (—The Mayor having forbidden swimming at this location), from the series A La Campagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

— Mossieure le maire ayant défendu qu'on ne se baigne en cet endroit (—The Mayor having forbidden swimming at this location), from the series A La Campagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari

30 August 1850
go to — M'sieu, faudrait tâcher de n'pas rentrer comme ça tous les jours passé ménuit!.. (—Mister, you must try not to come back like that every day after midnight!..), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense) published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

— M'sieu, faudrait tâcher de n'pas rentrer comme ça tous les jours passé ménuit!.. (—Mister, you must try not to come back like that every day after midnight!..), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense) published in Le Charivari

go to — Je suis venu cinq fois hier sans vous trouver, madame!...... (— I came five times yesterday without finding you, madam!......), from the series Quartier de la Boule Rouge (Neighborhood of La Boule Rouge), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

— Je suis venu cinq fois hier sans vous trouver, madame!...... (— I came five times yesterday without finding you, madam!......), from the series Quartier de la Boule Rouge (Neighborhood of La Boule Rouge), published in Le Charivari

9 February 1848
go to — Comment, antropophage….., tu te présentes dans une société comme celle-ci?.... (— How, cannibal….., do you dare present yourself in a society like this?....), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

— Comment, antropophage….., tu te présentes dans une société comme celle-ci?.... (— How, cannibal….., do you dare present yourself in a society like this?....), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari

go to –V'là tout ce que j'ai d'armes à feu!.... (–Here are all the firearms I have!....), from the series Actualités (Current Events) page

Fréderic Bouchot

–V'là tout ce que j'ai d'armes à feu!.... (–Here are all the firearms I have!....), from the series Actualités (Current Events)

after 1841
go to –Julie, tu as donné le bras à quelqu'un qui a fumé un cigarre…… (–Julie, you gave your arm to someone who smoked a cigar……), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

–Julie, tu as donné le bras à quelqu'un qui a fumé un cigarre…… (–Julie, you gave your arm to someone who smoked a cigar……), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari

20 October 1848
go to – V'là un pantalon qui prête bien….. (—Here is a pair of pants that give well…..), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari page

Fréderic Bouchot

– V'là un pantalon qui prête bien….. (—Here is a pair of pants that give well…..), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari

after 1841
go to – Tu viens pour causer avec maman? (– You're coming to chat with mom?), from the series Les Coulisses (Backstage) page

Alfred Grévin

– Tu viens pour causer avec maman? (– You're coming to chat with mom?), from the series Les Coulisses (Backstage)

go to – Tant de bruit pour quelques cerises…. (– So much noise for a few cherries….), from the series A la champagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

– Tant de bruit pour quelques cerises…. (– So much noise for a few cherries….), from the series A la champagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari

9 August 1848
go to – Si je connais Brrrébant! Il me demande si je connais Brrrébant! (– If I know Brrrebant! He's asking me if I know Brrrebant!), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies) page

Alfred Grévin

– Si je connais Brrrébant! Il me demande si je connais Brrrébant! (– If I know Brrrebant! He's asking me if I know Brrrebant!), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies)

go to – R[i]entière, dites-vous?" (– A person who is independently wealthy, you say?), from the series A la mer (By the Sea) page

Alfred Grévin

– R[i]entière, dites-vous?" (– A person who is independently wealthy, you say?), from the series A la mer (By the Sea)

go to – On ne vous vit point, l'autre soir, chère belle, à Valentino. (– We didn't see you the other night, my precious, at Valentino's.), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies) page

Alfred Grévin

– On ne vous vit point, l'autre soir, chère belle, à Valentino. (– We didn't see you the other night, my precious, at Valentino's.), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies)

go to – Non, mon p'tit, sans blague, c'soir, çà s'peut pas (– No, my dear, no kidding, this evenin, it's not possible), from the series Les Coulisses (Backstage) page

Alfred Grévin

– Non, mon p'tit, sans blague, c'soir, çà s'peut pas (– No, my dear, no kidding, this evenin, it's not possible), from the series Les Coulisses (Backstage)
