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go to Une Pastorale en 1865. (A Pastoral in 1865.), from the series Au Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
Une Pastorale en 1865. (A Pastoral in 1865.), from the series Au Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari
4 February 1865
go to "Parole d'honneur, Melle. Chose" (— On my honor, Miss Thing), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
"Parole d'honneur, Melle. Chose" (— On my honor, Miss Thing), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari
10 February 1848
go to "C'est l'propriétaire qui nous donne congé" (— It is the owner that gives us notice to leave), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
"C'est l'propriétaire qui nous donne congé" (— It is the owner that gives us notice to leave), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari
19 December 1849
go to — Comment, antropophage….., tu te présentes dans une société comme celle-ci?.... (— How, cannibal….., do you dare present yourself in a society like this?....), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
— Comment, antropophage….., tu te présentes dans une société comme celle-ci?.... (— How, cannibal….., do you dare present yourself in a society like this?....), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari
go to Comment, tu as encore été au bal cette nuit!..... (— What, you went to the ball again last night!.....), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
Comment, tu as encore été au bal cette nuit!..... (— What, you went to the ball again last night!.....), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari
go to "Comment, ma nièce, tu ne te rangeras donc pas" (— What, my niece, why won’t you straighten up), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
"Comment, ma nièce, tu ne te rangeras donc pas" (— What, my niece, why won’t you straighten up), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari
go to Le violon de l’opera: — Vue prise a quatre heures du matin. (The concertmaster of the opera: — Scene at four o’clock in the morning.), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
Le violon de l’opera: — Vue prise a quatre heures du matin. (The concertmaster of the opera: — Scene at four o’clock in the morning.), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari
go to Oh! ciel, quelles manières, pour une femme comme il faut!.. (Oh! heavens, what manners, for a woman with a sense of etiquette!.. ), from the series Au Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
Oh! ciel, quelles manières, pour une femme comme il faut!.. (Oh! heavens, what manners, for a woman with a sense of etiquette!.. ), from the series Au Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari
go to A Trois heures du matin (At Three in the Morning), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
A Trois heures du matin (At Three in the Morning), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari
go to Un Pierrot blanc. (A White Pierrot.), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
Un Pierrot blanc. (A White Pierrot.), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari
11 February 1850
go to A Quatre heures du matin. (At Four in the Morning.), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
A Quatre heures du matin. (At Four in the Morning.), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari
go to M’sieur est fumiste?.. (Mister is a chimney sweep?..), from the series Au Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
M’sieur est fumiste?.. (Mister is a chimney sweep?..), from the series Au Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari
go to Bas-bleu, en train de composer un volume sur les devoirs (Blue-stocking, in the Process of Composing a Volume on the Duties of Motherhood), from the series Fariboles (Frivolities) page

Edouard de Beaumont
Bas-bleu, en train de composer un volume sur les devoirs (Blue-stocking, in the Process of Composing a Volume on the Duties of Motherhood), from the series Fariboles (Frivolities)
27 December 1848
go to Causus belli (Cause for War), from the series L’Opéra au XIXéme siècle (The Opera in the 19th Century), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
Causus belli (Cause for War), from the series L’Opéra au XIXéme siècle (The Opera in the 19th Century), published in Le Charivari
go to Un Jour de relâche, – A L’Ile St. Denis. (A Day Off, – At L’lle St. Denis.), from the series L'Opéra au XIXme. Siècle (The Opera in the 19th Century), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
Un Jour de relâche, – A L’Ile St. Denis. (A Day Off, – At L’lle St. Denis.), from the series L'Opéra au XIXme. Siècle (The Opera in the 19th Century), published in Le Charivari
18 October 1845
go to —Comment ça, c’est la Guimard...une fameuse danseuse...mais on ne lui a seulement pas fait de jambes... (—What do you mean, this is Guimard...a famous dancer...but the legs are missing...), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
—Comment ça, c’est la Guimard...une fameuse danseuse...mais on ne lui a seulement pas fait de jambes... (—What do you mean, this is Guimard...a famous dancer...but the legs are missing...), published in Le Charivari
c. 1843–66
go to Dire que nous ne recevons que vingt cinq sous par soirée pour tenir notre emploi. (To think that we receive only twenty-five sous per night for our job….), from the series L'Opéra au XIXme. Siècle (The Opera in the 19th Century), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
Dire que nous ne recevons que vingt cinq sous par soirée pour tenir notre emploi. (To think that we receive only twenty-five sous per night for our job….), from the series L'Opéra au XIXme. Siècle (The Opera in the 19th Century), published in Le Charivari
23 January 1845
go to — Ça….tu me feras croire que ça ouvre toutes les portes…..un rameau vert….(— This….You would have me believe that it opens all doors…an olive branch….), from the series L'Opéra au XIXème. Siècle (The Opera in the 19th Century), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
— Ça….tu me feras croire que ça ouvre toutes les portes…..un rameau vert….(— This….You would have me believe that it opens all doors…an olive branch….), from the series L'Opéra au XIXème. Siècle (The Opera in the 19th Century), published in Le Charivari
go to Enlèvement d'une barricade, par les gardes mobiles. (Removal of a barricade, by the national guard.), from the series Souvenirs des Journees de Juin, 1848 (Souvenirs of June 1848), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
Enlèvement d'une barricade, par les gardes mobiles. (Removal of a barricade, by the national guard.), from the series Souvenirs des Journees de Juin, 1848 (Souvenirs of June 1848), published in Le Charivari
1 July 1848
go to Pastorale! (Pastoral!), from the series A La Campagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari page