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go to – Tu viens pour causer avec maman? (– You're coming to chat with mom?), from the series Les Coulisses (Backstage) page

Alfred Grévin
– Tu viens pour causer avec maman? (– You're coming to chat with mom?), from the series Les Coulisses (Backstage)
go to – Si je connais Brrrébant! Il me demande si je connais Brrrébant! (– If I know Brrrebant! He's asking me if I know Brrrebant!), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies) page

Alfred Grévin
– Si je connais Brrrébant! Il me demande si je connais Brrrébant! (– If I know Brrrebant! He's asking me if I know Brrrebant!), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies)
go to – R[i]entière, dites-vous?" (– A person who is independently wealthy, you say?), from the series A la mer (By the Sea) page

Alfred Grévin
– R[i]entière, dites-vous?" (– A person who is independently wealthy, you say?), from the series A la mer (By the Sea)
go to – On ne vous vit point, l'autre soir, chère belle, à Valentino. (– We didn't see you the other night, my precious, at Valentino's.), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies) page

Alfred Grévin
– On ne vous vit point, l'autre soir, chère belle, à Valentino. (– We didn't see you the other night, my precious, at Valentino's.), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies)
go to – Non, mon p'tit, sans blague, c'soir, çà s'peut pas (– No, my dear, no kidding, this evenin, it's not possible), from the series Les Coulisses (Backstage) page

Alfred Grévin
– Non, mon p'tit, sans blague, c'soir, çà s'peut pas (– No, my dear, no kidding, this evenin, it's not possible), from the series Les Coulisses (Backstage)
go to – Non! tiens, vois-tu, mon cher, non (– No! hey, you see, my friend, no), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies) page

Alfred Grévin
– Non! tiens, vois-tu, mon cher, non (– No! hey, you see, my friend, no), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies)
go to – Monsieur, je vous prie très-sérieusement de passer votre chemin; je suis une honnête femme! (– Sir, I beg you very seriously to pass me by and go your way; I am an honest woman!), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies) page

Alfred Grévin
– Monsieur, je vous prie très-sérieusement de passer votre chemin; je suis une honnête femme! (– Sir, I beg you very seriously to pass me by and go your way; I am an honest woman!), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies)
go to – Mais, regarde-toi donc, mon cher! (– Look at yourself, my dear!), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies) page

Alfred Grévin
– Mais, regarde-toi donc, mon cher! (– Look at yourself, my dear!), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies)
go to – Madame, c'est moi que je suis l'domestique qu'on a évu l'honneur de vous parler… (– Madam, it is I that the servant has given the honor to talk to you…), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies) page

Alfred Grévin
– Madame, c'est moi que je suis l'domestique qu'on a évu l'honneur de vous parler… (– Madam, it is I that the servant has given the honor to talk to you…), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies)
go to – Madame daignerait-elle me faire l'honneur de souper avec moi? (– Would madam deign to do me the honor of having supper with me?), from the series A l'opéra (At the Opera) page

Alfred Grévin
– Madame daignerait-elle me faire l'honneur de souper avec moi? (– Would madam deign to do me the honor of having supper with me?), from the series A l'opéra (At the Opera)
go to – Madame a sonné? (– Madam rang?), from the series A la mer (By the Sea) page

Alfred Grévin
– Madame a sonné? (– Madam rang?), from the series A la mer (By the Sea)
go to – Ma femme, un vrai galopin! (– My wife, a true rapscallion!), from the series A la mer (By the Sea) page

Alfred Grévin
– Ma femme, un vrai galopin! (– My wife, a true rapscallion!), from the series A la mer (By the Sea)
go to – Je viens de sentir quelque chose craquer; voyez donc, baigneur, je vous prie. (– I just felt something tear; please take a look, bather, I beg you.), from the series A la mer (By the Sea) page

Alfred Grévin
– Je viens de sentir quelque chose craquer; voyez donc, baigneur, je vous prie. (– I just felt something tear; please take a look, bather, I beg you.), from the series A la mer (By the Sea)
go to – Il n'est venu personne, dites-moi, Eugénie, pendant mon absence? (– Please tell me, Eugenie, did anyone come while I was away?), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies) page

Alfred Grévin
– Il n'est venu personne, dites-moi, Eugénie, pendant mon absence? (– Please tell me, Eugenie, did anyone come while I was away?), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies)
go to – Décidément! est-ce collidor ou est-ce corridor?... (– Really! is it collidor or is it corridor?...), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies) page

Alfred Grévin
– Décidément! est-ce collidor ou est-ce corridor?... (– Really! is it collidor or is it corridor?...), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies)
go to – Comment! ni ton chapeau, ni ta résille! (– What? neither your hat, nor your hairnet!), from the series Les Coulisses (Backstage) page

Alfred Grévin
– Comment! ni ton chapeau, ni ta résille! (– What? neither your hat, nor your hairnet!), from the series Les Coulisses (Backstage)
go to – Ah! si mademoiselle voulait seulement permettre à mon coupé de l'attendre ce soir à sa sortie? (– Ah! If miss would only let me wait for her with my coupé when she comes out tonight?), from the series Les Coulisses (Backstage) page

Alfred Grévin
– Ah! si mademoiselle voulait seulement permettre à mon coupé de l'attendre ce soir à sa sortie? (– Ah! If miss would only let me wait for her with my coupé when she comes out tonight?), from the series Les Coulisses (Backstage)
go to Une Demande Bien Indiscrète. (A Very Indiscreet Request.), from the series A l'opéra (At the Opera) page

Alfred Grévin
Une Demande Bien Indiscrète. (A Very Indiscreet Request.), from the series A l'opéra (At the Opera)
go to Simple Histoire (Simple Story), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies) page

Alfred Grévin
Simple Histoire (Simple Story), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies)
go to S. M. le roi des animaux (H.M. the King of animals), from the series Fantaisies Parisiennes (Parisian Fantasies) page