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go to Sa figure rappelait les gravures (His figure recalled engravings), from the series La Lanterne Magique: Histoire d'un Jeune Homme comme Il Faut. (Suite.) (The Magic Lantern: Story of a Proper Young Man (Continues) page
Quillenbois Charles Marie de Sarcus
Sa figure rappelait les gravures (His figure recalled engravings), from the series La Lanterne Magique: Histoire d'un Jeune Homme comme Il Faut. (Suite.) (The Magic Lantern: Story of a Proper Young Man (Continues)
1868–69 (?)
go to Oscar Follichon fit faire alors de nouvelles cartes de visites (Oscar Follichon had new calling cards made.), from La Lanterne Magique: Histoire d'un Jeune Homme comme Il Faut. (Suite.) (The Magic Lantern: Story of a Proper Young Man (Continues) page
Quillenbois Charles Marie de Sarcus
Oscar Follichon fit faire alors de nouvelles cartes de visites (Oscar Follichon had new calling cards made.), from La Lanterne Magique: Histoire d'un Jeune Homme comme Il Faut. (Suite.) (The Magic Lantern: Story of a Proper Young Man (Continues)
1868–69 (?)
go to Les restaurants à 40 sous donneront avec les quatre plats, (The 40-sous restaurants will give along with the four courses,), from the series Prophéties Charivariques (Grotesque Prophecies) page
Quillenbois Charles Marie de Sarcus
Les restaurants à 40 sous donneront avec les quatre plats, (The 40-sous restaurants will give along with the four courses,), from the series Prophéties Charivariques (Grotesque Prophecies)
after 1841
go to "Il paraîtrait, Isménie, que ta maîtresse aime les vieux Biblots." (- I have been told, Ismenie, that your mistress likes old objects), from the series messieurs les domestiques (Messrs the servants), published in Journal page
Quillenbois Charles Marie de Sarcus
"Il paraîtrait, Isménie, que ta maîtresse aime les vieux Biblots." (- I have been told, Ismenie, that your mistress likes old objects), from the series messieurs les domestiques (Messrs the servants), published in Journal
1852–70 (?)
go to Oscar Follichon (Oscar Follichon), from the series La Lanterne Magique: Histoire d'un Jeune Homme comme Il Faut. (Suite.) (The Magic Lantern: Story of a Proper Young Man (Continues) page
Quillenbois Charles Marie de Sarcus
Oscar Follichon (Oscar Follichon), from the series La Lanterne Magique: Histoire d'un Jeune Homme comme Il Faut. (Suite.) (The Magic Lantern: Story of a Proper Young Man (Continues)
1868–69 (?)
go to Messieurs les cafetiers donneront toujours du café (Cafės will always serve coffee), from the series Prophéties Charivariques (Grotesque Prophecies) page
Quillenbois Charles Marie de Sarcus
Messieurs les cafetiers donneront toujours du café (Cafės will always serve coffee), from the series Prophéties Charivariques (Grotesque Prophecies)
after 1841
go to "Fait-il sa tête, Baptiste, depuis qu'il est Préfet…. (Isn't he making a face, Baptist, since he became Prefect), from the series messieurs les domestiques (Messrs the servants), published in Journal page
Quillenbois Charles Marie de Sarcus
"Fait-il sa tête, Baptiste, depuis qu'il est Préfet…. (Isn't he making a face, Baptist, since he became Prefect), from the series messieurs les domestiques (Messrs the servants), published in Journal
go to Oscar eut un groom infiniment petit. (Oscar had a valet who was extremely short.), from the series La Lanterne Magique: Histoire d'un Jeune Homme comme Il Faut. (Suite.) (The Magic Lantern: Story of a Proper Young Man (Continues) page
Quillenbois Charles Marie de Sarcus
Oscar eut un groom infiniment petit. (Oscar had a valet who was extremely short.), from the series La Lanterne Magique: Histoire d'un Jeune Homme comme Il Faut. (Suite.) (The Magic Lantern: Story of a Proper Young Man (Continues)
1868–69 (?)
go to Les indigenes de Carpentras (The indigenous people of Carpentras), from the series Prophéties Charivariques (Grotesque Prophecies) page
Quillenbois Charles Marie de Sarcus
Les indigenes de Carpentras (The indigenous people of Carpentras), from the series Prophéties Charivariques (Grotesque Prophecies)
after 1841
go to Les dames charitables (Charitable ladies), from the series Prophéties Charivariques (Grotesque Prophecies) page
Quillenbois Charles Marie de Sarcus
Les dames charitables (Charitable ladies), from the series Prophéties Charivariques (Grotesque Prophecies)
after 1841
go to Les lions après avoir totalement / supprimé les bords de leurs chapeaux, (The lions after having totally suppressed the brims of their hats,), from the series Prophéties Charivariques (Charivaric Prophecies), published in Le Charivari page
Quillenbois Charles Marie de Sarcus
Les lions après avoir totalement / supprimé les bords de leurs chapeaux, (The lions after having totally suppressed the brims of their hats,), from the series Prophéties Charivariques (Charivaric Prophecies), published in Le Charivari
after 1841
go to Et dire que ça vous flanque du lard aux choux……(And to think that they give you bacon and cabbage), from the series Messieurs les domestiques (Messrs the Servants), published in Journal page
Quillenbois Charles Marie de Sarcus
Et dire que ça vous flanque du lard aux choux……(And to think that they give you bacon and cabbage), from the series Messieurs les domestiques (Messrs the Servants), published in Journal
1852–70 (?)
go to Oscar eut (à l'entendre) beaucoup succès (Oscar had [according to what he claimed] much success), from the series La Lanterne Magique: Histoire d'un Jeune Homme comme Il Faut. (Suite.) (The Magic Lantern: Story of a Proper Young Man (Continues) page
Quillenbois Charles Marie de Sarcus
Oscar eut (à l'entendre) beaucoup succès (Oscar had [according to what he claimed] much success), from the series La Lanterne Magique: Histoire d'un Jeune Homme comme Il Faut. (Suite.) (The Magic Lantern: Story of a Proper Young Man (Continues)
1868–69 (?)
go to Oscar eut un groom infiniment petit. (Oscar had a valet who was extremely short.), from the series La Lanterne Magique: Histoire d'un Jeune Homme comme Il Faut. (Suite.) (The Magic Lantern: Story of a Proper Young Man (Continues) page
Quillenbois Charles Marie de Sarcus
Oscar eut un groom infiniment petit. (Oscar had a valet who was extremely short.), from the series La Lanterne Magique: Histoire d'un Jeune Homme comme Il Faut. (Suite.) (The Magic Lantern: Story of a Proper Young Man (Continues)
1868–69 (?)
go to On adouciera l'esprit de la jeunesse (We will soften the spirit of the youth), from the series Prophéties Charivariques (Grotesque Prophecies) page
Quillenbois Charles Marie de Sarcus
On adouciera l'esprit de la jeunesse (We will soften the spirit of the youth), from the series Prophéties Charivariques (Grotesque Prophecies)
after 1841
go to Grâce à l'invention d'un Lampo blago - poèle (Thanks to the invention of the Lampo blago- stove), from the series Prophéties Charivariques (Charivaric Prophecies), published in Le Charivari page
Quillenbois Charles Marie de Sarcus
Grâce à l'invention d'un Lampo blago - poèle (Thanks to the invention of the Lampo blago- stove), from the series Prophéties Charivariques (Charivaric Prophecies), published in Le Charivari
after 1841
go to Il se fit faire des bottes vernies trop étroites. (The elegant boots he had made for himself were too small), from La Lanterne Magique: Histoire d'un Jeune Homme comme Il Faut. (Suite.) (The Magic Lantern: Story of a Proper Young Man (Continues) page
Quillenbois Charles Marie de Sarcus
Il se fit faire des bottes vernies trop étroites. (The elegant boots he had made for himself were too small), from La Lanterne Magique: Histoire d'un Jeune Homme comme Il Faut. (Suite.) (The Magic Lantern: Story of a Proper Young Man (Continues)
1868–69 (?)
go to Etant parvenu à exécuter sur la trompe (Having been able to perform the air, on the horn), from the series La Lanterne Magique: Histoire d'un Jeune Homme comme Il Faut. (Suite.) (The Magic Lantern: Story of a Proper Young Man (Continues) page
Quillenbois Charles Marie de Sarcus
Etant parvenu à exécuter sur la trompe (Having been able to perform the air, on the horn), from the series La Lanterne Magique: Histoire d'un Jeune Homme comme Il Faut. (Suite.) (The Magic Lantern: Story of a Proper Young Man (Continues)
1868–69 (?)
go to Le lion parisien aimera toujours à se déguiser en Turc chez lui. (The Parisian lion will always like to dress as a Turk at home.), from the series Prophéties Charivariques (Grotesque Prophecies) page
Quillenbois Charles Marie de Sarcus
Le lion parisien aimera toujours à se déguiser en Turc chez lui. (The Parisian lion will always like to dress as a Turk at home.), from the series Prophéties Charivariques (Grotesque Prophecies)
after 1841
go to Au dire des vieillards blanchis par l'expérience (According to old men whitened by experience), from the series La Lanterne Magique: Histoire d'un Jeune Homme comme Il Faut. (Suite.) (The Magic Lantern: Story of a Proper Young Man (Continues) page