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go to La grande bataille du 21 aôut 1881 (The Great Battle of August 21, 1881) page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
La grande bataille du 21 aôut 1881 (The Great Battle of August 21, 1881)
go to "La Charité, S.V.P. Mesdames et Messieurs" ("Charity please, Ladies and Gentlemen") page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"La Charité, S.V.P. Mesdames et Messieurs" ("Charity please, Ladies and Gentlemen")
12 January 1880
go to Un Siége [sic], S.V.P. (A Seat, Please), from La Revue comique page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Un Siége [sic], S.V.P. (A Seat, Please), from La Revue comique
15 October 1871
go to "Charmant petit débardeur….." ("Charming little roustabout….."), from the series Bals Masqués (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"Charmant petit débardeur….." ("Charming little roustabout….."), from the series Bals Masqués (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari
10 December 1859
go to "Comme je suivrais cette femme là… si j'avais des bottes!" (How I would follow this woman here…if I had boots!), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"Comme je suivrais cette femme là… si j'avais des bottes!" (How I would follow this woman here…if I had boots!), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari
go to "Pas moyen de dormir…(- Impossible to sleep...), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"Pas moyen de dormir…(- Impossible to sleep...), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari
post 1851 (c. 1853?)
go to "N'est-ce pas qu'il a tout à fait les yeux d'Ernest!....." (Doesn’t he have exactly Ernest eyes!...), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"N'est-ce pas qu'il a tout à fait les yeux d'Ernest!....." (Doesn’t he have exactly Ernest eyes!...), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari
3 December 1850
go to Oh! Quel Sale Patissier. (Oh! What a dirty pastry chef.) page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Oh! Quel Sale Patissier. (Oh! What a dirty pastry chef.)
go to La balayeuse nationale (The National Housekeeper) page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
La balayeuse nationale (The National Housekeeper)
late 19th century
go to Le duel Boulanger-Lareint’y [sic] (The Duel of Boulanger and Lareinty) page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Le duel Boulanger-Lareint’y [sic] (The Duel of Boulanger and Lareinty)
late 19th century
go to Notre futur archivique (Our Future Archbishop) page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Notre futur archivique (Our Future Archbishop)
late 19th century
go to La République chassant la basse-cour des Tuileries (The Republic Driving the Poultry Out of the Tuileries Palace), from the series Actualités (Current Events) page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
La République chassant la basse-cour des Tuileries (The Republic Driving the Poultry Out of the Tuileries Palace), from the series Actualités (Current Events)
late 19th century
go to "Un vieux de la vieille, ("One of the old brigade,), from the series Les Pétitions Illustrées (Petitions Illustrated), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"Un vieux de la vieille, ("One of the old brigade,), from the series Les Pétitions Illustrées (Petitions Illustrated), published in Le Charivari
13 October 1848
go to Attaque de L'entrée du Faubourg du Temple. (Attack at the entrance of the Faubourg du Temple), from the series Souvenirs des Journees de Juin, 1848 (Memories of June 1848), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Attaque de L'entrée du Faubourg du Temple. (Attack at the entrance of the Faubourg du Temple), from the series Souvenirs des Journees de Juin, 1848 (Memories of June 1848), published in Le Charivari
19 July 1848
go to Faites l'aumone au dernier de vos Rois (Béranger.) (Give Alms to your last king [Béranger.]) page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Faites l'aumone au dernier de vos Rois (Béranger.) (Give Alms to your last king [Béranger.])
March 1848
go to "Quelle horreur!. ma femme poser chez un peintre!...." (How dreadful! my wife posing for a painter! ), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"Quelle horreur!. ma femme poser chez un peintre!...." (How dreadful! my wife posing for a painter! ), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari
1843–66 (c. 1855)
go to Couture. (Couture.), from the series Salon Caricatural de 1843 (Caricature Salon of 1843) page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Thomas Couture
Couture. (Couture.), from the series Salon Caricatural de 1843 (Caricature Salon of 1843)
May 15, 1843
go to La carte....Passé minuit (The menu...after midnight.), from the series Caricatures du Jour (Caricatures of the Day), published in La Mode page