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go to "A-t-on jamais vu…(-One has never seen that [can you believe it]....), from the series Les Gristettes (The working-class women), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
"A-t-on jamais vu…(-One has never seen that [can you believe it]....), from the series Les Gristettes (The working-class women), published in Le Charivari
3 October 1845
go to "Ah! major, vous ne pourrez plus vous plaindre d'avoir mangé du cheval en 1812……" (Oh! Major, now you won't be able to complaint about having eaten some horse in 1812…….), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier
"Ah! major, vous ne pourrez plus vous plaindre d'avoir mangé du cheval en 1812……" (Oh! Major, now you won't be able to complaint about having eaten some horse in 1812…….), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)
go to "Ah! mon gaillard, tu viens pour voir ce qui se passe chez nous…" (Ah! My fellow, you came to see what's going on here….), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier
"Ah! mon gaillard, tu viens pour voir ce qui se passe chez nous…" (Ah! My fellow, you came to see what's going on here….), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)
go to "Ah! sapeur, vous m'agacez horriblement les nerfs……….." (Ah! Sapper, you are horribly getting on my nerves…..), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier
"Ah! sapeur, vous m'agacez horriblement les nerfs……….." (Ah! Sapper, you are horribly getting on my nerves…..), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)
go to "Allons bon!.... v'là le Breton qui s'amuse!....." (Oh well! is the Breton having fun!.), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier
"Allons bon!.... v'là le Breton qui s'amuse!....." (Oh well! is the Breton having fun!.), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)
go to "Bonjour, madame, comment vous portez vous?.." – Bonjour, madame, comment vous portez vous?.. (– Greetings, madam, how are you?..), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
"Bonjour, madame, comment vous portez vous?.." – Bonjour, madame, comment vous portez vous?.. (– Greetings, madam, how are you?..), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari
go to "C'est l'propriétaire qui nous donne congé" (— It is the owner that gives us notice to leave), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
"C'est l'propriétaire qui nous donne congé" (— It is the owner that gives us notice to leave), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari
19 December 1849
go to "C'est moi que vous avez peint, et pourtant je ne me reconnais pas!.." (This is me that you painted, and yet I don’t recognize myself!..), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"C'est moi que vous avez peint, et pourtant je ne me reconnais pas!.." (This is me that you painted, and yet I don’t recognize myself!..), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari
go to "Caroline, devine ce que j'ai derrière moi!" (-Caroline, guess what I have behind me!), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"Caroline, devine ce que j'ai derrière moi!" (-Caroline, guess what I have behind me!), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari
go to "Ce grand'là, je le connais, c'est le fils d'un quart d'agent de change..." ("I know he is the son of the fourth of a stock broker..."), from the series Menu Propos (Small Talk) page

Albert Robida
"Ce grand'là, je le connais, c'est le fils d'un quart d'agent de change..." ("I know he is the son of the fourth of a stock broker..."), from the series Menu Propos (Small Talk)
go to "Charmant petit débardeur….." ("Charming little roustabout….."), from the series Bals Masqués (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"Charmant petit débardeur….." ("Charming little roustabout….."), from the series Bals Masqués (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari
10 December 1859
go to "Comme je suivrais cette femme là… si j'avais des bottes!" (How I would follow this woman here…if I had boots!), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"Comme je suivrais cette femme là… si j'avais des bottes!" (How I would follow this woman here…if I had boots!), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari
go to "Comment, ma nièce, tu ne te rangeras donc pas" (— What, my niece, why won’t you straighten up), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
"Comment, ma nièce, tu ne te rangeras donc pas" (— What, my niece, why won’t you straighten up), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari
go to "Comment, mossieu Coquardeau, vous n'avez pas de honte de bassiner votre lit" (—Why, mister Coquardeau, aren’t you ashamed to warm your bed in April....), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
"Comment, mossieu Coquardeau, vous n'avez pas de honte de bassiner votre lit" (—Why, mister Coquardeau, aren’t you ashamed to warm your bed in April....), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari
go to "D'abord la peau il est petite, (First the skin is small,) page

"D'abord la peau il est petite, (First the skin is small,)
go to "Dire pourtant qu'un si beau colosse va fondre, dès que ça chauffera un peu!..." (And to think that such a beautiful colossus is going to melt as soon as it will get a little warm!.), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier
"Dire pourtant qu'un si beau colosse va fondre, dès que ça chauffera un peu!..." (And to think that such a beautiful colossus is going to melt as soon as it will get a little warm!.), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)
go to "Dis donc, un conseil?" ("Hey, can I have your advice?"), from the series Littérature page

Albert Robida
"Dis donc, un conseil?" ("Hey, can I have your advice?"), from the series Littérature
c. 1880s
go to "Dis-donc, c'est pas amusant d'marcher pendant deux heures sur le ventre (- Hey, isn't it amusing to crawl for two hours on our bellies), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier
"Dis-donc, c'est pas amusant d'marcher pendant deux heures sur le ventre (- Hey, isn't it amusing to crawl for two hours on our bellies), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)
go to "Dites donc Mlle. Agathe vous rappelez vous la fine matelotte, au Cadran bleu" (Say, Miss Agathe, do you remember the fine matelote, at the Cadran bleu), from the series Revue Comique (comical review) page

J. Platier
"Dites donc Mlle. Agathe vous rappelez vous la fine matelotte, au Cadran bleu" (Say, Miss Agathe, do you remember the fine matelote, at the Cadran bleu), from the series Revue Comique (comical review)
after 1841
go to "Dites donc! dites donc! céleste Empereur!" (Let's say! Let's say! Celestial emperor!), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in la Mode (Fashion) page