Curatorial Tour of The Body in Pieces
1:30 pm

Assistant Curator Dana Ostrander leads an interactive tour of The Body in Pieces. This exhibition draws on the Kemper Art Museum’s significant modern art collection to explore how the fragmented body acted as a metaphor for modernity in early 20th-century art. Many European and American artists experienced the mechanization of newly industrialized cities and consequently sought to incorporate these mechanical movements into their creative processes, portraying human bodies that are segmented into geometric shapes, cropped into fragments, or melted into gestural brushstrokes. Featured artists include Jean Dubuffet, Fernand Léger, and Joan Miró, among many others.
Free and open to the public. Please check in at the Welcome Desk when arriving for the tour to secure your place.
ASL Interpretation
American Sign Language interpretation can be arranged for public events upon request. This service is free, but we ask for two weeks' notice. Requests can be made by contacting
Image Credit
Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881–1973), Les femmes d'Alger (Women of Algiers), Variation N, 1955. Oil on canvas, 45 x 57 5/8 in. University purchase, Steinberg Fund, 1960. © Estate of Pablo Picasso / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.