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go to Design Agendas Symposium Discussion Panels page
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Grade: University

Design Agendas Symposium Discussion Panels

On October 26, 2024, as part of the Design Agendas Public Symposium, community leaders, municipal leaders, and scholars joined in dialogue around...

go to Design Agendas Symposium Keynote Address page
Grade: University

Design Agendas Symposium Keynote Address

On October 25, Toni L. Griffin, professor in practice of urban planning at Harvard University Graduate School of Design gave a Keynote Address as part...

go to Q&A with Eric P. Mumford and Michael E. Willis page
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Grade: University

Q&A with Eric P. Mumford and Michael E. Willis

As part of the opening celebrations for Design Agendas: Modern Architecture in St. Louis, 1930s – 1970s, co-curators Eric P. Mumford and Michael...

go to Timothy Morton: "This Is Hell, It's Not the End of the World" page
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Grade: University

Timothy Morton: "This Is Hell, It's Not the End of the World"

Organized in conjunction with the exhibition Santiago Sierra: 52 Canvases Exposed to Mexico City’s Air, Timothy Morton, Rita Shea...

go to Kahlil Robert Irving and Andrea Achi: Archaeology and Contemporary Art page
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Grade: University

Kahlil Robert Irving and Andrea Achi: Archaeology and Contemporary Art

On April 3, 2024, artist Kahlil Robert Irving was joined in conversation by Andrea Achi, Mary and Michael Jaharis Associate Curator of Byzantine Art...

go to Toxic Sublime: Art and the Climate Crisis page
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Grade: High University

Toxic Sublime: Art and the Climate Crisis

On March 20, 2024, in conjunction with the exhibition Santiago Sierra: 52 Canvases Exposed to Mexico City's Air, panel participants from a range of...

go to Q&A with Kahlil Robert Irving page
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Grade: University

Q&A with Kahlil Robert Irving

On February 23, 2024, as part of the opening celebrations for Kahlil Robert Irving: Archaeology of the Present, artist Kahlil Robert Irving was joined...

go to Adam Pendleton: To Divide By page
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Grade: High University

Adam Pendleton: To Divide By

“Things are always happening at once,” says Adam Pendleton. “I want the paintings to be like that.” In this video, Pendleton,...

go to Reading and Talk with Poet Simone White page
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Grade: University

Reading and Talk with Poet Simone White

“Because I believe poetry makes it possible to think impossible thoughts, thoughts that are off the epistemological grid, I believe poetic...

go to Artist Q&A: Adam Pendleton page
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Grade: University

Artist Q&A: Adam Pendleton

  “What is your name?” “Where are you from?” “How did you end up here?” “Can you feel it?”...

go to Selections from the Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae, 16th century page

Selections from the Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae, 16th century

go to Lecture: “Gerard Sekoto and the International Histories of African Modernism”  page
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Grade: University

Lecture: “Gerard Sekoto and the International Histories of African Modernism” 

  On April 24, 2023, Joshua Cohen, associate professor of art history at the City University of New York, discussed the life and work of the...

go to Discussion: “Collecting and Exhibiting Modern African Art”  page
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Grade: University

Discussion: “Collecting and Exhibiting Modern African Art” 

  As part of the festivities for the opening of African Modernism in America on March 10, 2023, exhibition co-curators Perrin Lathrop, assistant...

go to Katharina Grosse: Returns, Revisions, Inventions page
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Grade: High University

Katharina Grosse: Returns, Revisions, Inventions

  "Color can appear anywhere,” says Katharina Grosse. “It is independent from any location … Color gets to you like noise, a...

go to Opening Event: “Lest We Forget”  page
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Grade: University

Opening Event: “Lest We Forget” 

  On view October 20–November 6, 2022, in Ann and Andrew Tisch Park of Washington University in St. Louis, Lest We Forget is an exhibition...

go to Artist Q&A: Katharina Grosse  page
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Grade: University

Artist Q&A: Katharina Grosse 

Katharina Grosse is internationally celebrated for her large-scale, on-site works that she paints across built and natural environments. To date, less...

go to Spring 2022 Interactive Laptop Music Compositions page
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Grade: University

Spring 2022 Interactive Laptop Music Compositions

  Washington University students in the spring 2022 Laptop Music course perform their interactive electronic compositions in the Kemper Art...

go to Lecture: “Monsters, Cyborgs & Other Vessels: Apparitions of the Yellow Woman”  page
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Grade: University

Lecture: “Monsters, Cyborgs & Other Vessels: Apparitions of the Yellow Woman” 

  In this lecture, held on March 31, 2022, Anne Anlin Cheng, professor of English at Princeton University and Visiting Hurst Professor in the...

go to Artist Talk: Nicole Miller  page
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Grade: University

Artist Talk: Nicole Miller 

  The California-based artist and filmmaker Nicole Miller is known for creating videos and multimedia installations that address what it means...

go to Artist Talk: Chitra Ganesh  page
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Grade: University

Artist Talk: Chitra Ganesh 

  In conjunction with the exhibition Chitra Ganesh: Dreaming in Multiverse, on view at the Kemper Art Museum in spring 2022, artist Chitra...

go to Gallery Talk: “(Un)Masking Health”  page
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Grade: University

Gallery Talk: “(Un)Masking Health” 

  In this February 10, 2022, gallery talk, faculty curator Ivan Bujan, postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality...

go to Artist Talk: Deborah Roberts and Adrian Octavius Walker with Adrienne Davis  page
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Grade: University

Artist Talk: Deborah Roberts and Adrian Octavius Walker with Adrienne Davis 

  On December 4, 2021, artists Deborah Roberts and Adrian Octavius Walker, both featured in The Outwin: American Portraiture Today, spoke with...

go to Artist Talk: Sheldon Scott with Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw page
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Grade: University

Artist Talk: Sheldon Scott with Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw

  On November 20, 2021, artist Sheldon Scott, who is featured in The Outwin: American Portraiture Today, spoke with Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw,...

go to New Perspectives Talk: “Interpreting the Ink Rubbings of the Wu Liang Shrine” page
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Grade: University

New Perspectives Talk: “Interpreting the Ink Rubbings of the Wu Liang Shrine”

  On November 9, 2021, Yutong Ma, master’s student in the Graduate School of Architecture & Urban Design in the Sam Fox School of...

go to Art Movement  page
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Grade: Middle High University

Art Movement 

  How does art encourage us to move and be moved? Experience the role of art as a catalyst for movement—embodied, political, and...

go to Artist Talk: Jess T. Dugan and David Antonio Cruz with Amber Johnson  page
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Grade: University

Artist Talk: Jess T. Dugan and David Antonio Cruz with Amber Johnson 

  On October 23, 2021, artists Jess T. Dugan and David Antonio Cruz, both featured in The Outwin: American Portraiture Today, joined Amber...

go to Screening & Artist Talk: Hugo Crosthwaite  page
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Grade: University

Screening & Artist Talk: Hugo Crosthwaite 

  On September 11, 2021, artist Hugo Crosthwaite, winner of the fifth triennial Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition, spoke with Taína...

go to ASL Tour: “Art & Social Change”  page
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Grade: University

ASL Tour: “Art & Social Change” 

  On September 7, 2021, artist and educator Meridith Gray Green presented an online American Sign Language tour in conjunction with the 2021...

go to Discussion and Performance: "Hostile Terrain 94"  page
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Grade: University

Discussion and Performance: "Hostile Terrain 94" 

  On September 2, 2021, Tabea Linhard, professor of Spanish and comparative literature and Global Studies affiliate; Mattie Gottbrath,...

go to Discussion: “Fast Forward” page
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Grade: University

Discussion: “Fast Forward”

  Are there currents in contemporary art-making that define our complex sociopolitical, historical moment, locally, nationally, and globally?...

go to Discussion: “Women’s Work”  page
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Grade: University

Discussion: “Women’s Work” 

  On April 28, 2021, Arthur Greenberg Undergraduate Curatorial Fellows Lydia McKelvie (AB '22), Alice Nguyen (AB '22), and Hannah Ward (AB '21)...

go to New Perspectives Talk: “Memory and Resistance: Charles Meryon’s Paris” page
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Grade: University

New Perspectives Talk: “Memory and Resistance: Charles Meryon’s Paris”

  On April 24, 2021, Lacy Murphy, PhD candidate in the Department of Art History & Archaeology in Arts & Sciences, considered the...

go to A Close Look at "Parking Lots" by Ed Ruscha page
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Grade: High University

A Close Look at "Parking Lots" by Ed Ruscha

  Student educator Jay Buchanan takes a closer look at Parking Lots (Century City, 1800 Avenue of the Stars) #23 by Ed Ruscha in relation to the...

go to Screening and Q&A: Amy Sillman  page
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Grade: University

Screening and Q&A: Amy Sillman 

  On April 10, 2021, artist Amy Sillman; Rebecca Sears, lecturer in the Department of Classics in Arts & Sciences; artist and composer Wibke...

go to A Close Look at “Les Pauvres” by Pablo Picasso (Mandarin) page
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Grade: High University

A Close Look at “Les Pauvres” by Pablo Picasso (Mandarin)

  Student educator Yue Dai takes a closer look at Les Pauvres by Pablo Picasso in Mandarin.  

go to A Close Look at “Oenone” by Harriet Hosmer page
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Grade: High University

A Close Look at “Oenone” by Harriet Hosmer

  Student educator Jay Buchanan considers how artists working in various artistic mediums have connected figures from ancient Greek and Roman...

go to A Close Look at “Untitled (Colored People Grid)” by Carrie Mae Weems page
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Grade: High University

A Close Look at “Untitled (Colored People Grid)” by Carrie Mae Weems

  Why do artists sometimes label their works "Untitled"? In this video Student Educator Lingran Zhang explores how the title of Untitled...

go to Lecture: “Blurring the Boundaries: The Rise of Blockbuster Museum-Quality Exhibitions”  page
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Grade: University

Lecture: “Blurring the Boundaries: The Rise of Blockbuster Museum-Quality Exhibitions” 

  On February 20, 2021, Valentina Castellani, former director of New York's Gagosian Gallery, discussed the rise of blockbuster exhibitions in...

go to New Perspectives Talk: “To Do without People: Moyra Davey’s Impossible Renunciation” page
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Grade: University

New Perspectives Talk: “To Do without People: Moyra Davey’s Impossible Renunciation”

  On February 6, 2021, Jenny Wu, MA student in the Department of Art History & Archaeology in Arts & Sciences, situated four of Moyra...

go to Discussion: “African American Architecture in St. Louis: The Case of Charles E. Fleming” page
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Grade: University

Discussion: “African American Architecture in St. Louis: The Case of Charles E. Fleming”

  On January 30, 2021, Washington University architectural historians Shantel Blakely and Eric Mumford joined architect Michael Willis (AB '73;...

go to Teaching from the Collection: Thomas Cole, “Aqueduct near Rome” page
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Grade: High University

Teaching from the Collection: Thomas Cole, “Aqueduct near Rome”

  Join Manel Errando, assistant professor of physics in Arts & Sciences, for a guided closer look at the Moon in Thomas Cole's 1832 painting...

go to Guided Close Looking: Fernand Léger, “Les grands plongeurs” page
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Grade: Middle High University

Guided Close Looking: Fernand Léger, “Les grands plongeurs”

  Join Olivia Mendelson for a guided closer look at Fernand Léger's 1941 artwork Les grands plongeurs (The Divers). 

go to Guided Close Looking: Rodney McMillian, “Untitled (Clouds)” page
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Grade: Middle High University

Guided Close Looking: Rodney McMillian, “Untitled (Clouds)”

  Join Meredith Lehman for a slow look at Rodney McMillian's 2019 artwork Untitled (Clouds). 

go to New Perspectives Talk: “Myths of the Orient: Deconstructing the European Vision of the Middle East” page
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Grade: University

New Perspectives Talk: “Myths of the Orient: Deconstructing the European Vision of the Middle East”

  On December 5, 2020, Eve Rosekind, PhD student in the Department of Art History & Archaeology in Arts & Sciences, gave a talk about...

go to Lecture: “Multidirectional Memories, Implicated Subjects, and the Possibilities of Art”  page
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Grade: University

Lecture: “Multidirectional Memories, Implicated Subjects, and the Possibilities of Art” 

  On November 14, 2020, Michael Rothberg, the 1939 Society Samuel Goetz Chair in Holocaust Studies and professor of English and comparative...

go to Gallery Talk: “The Autonomous Future of Mobility”  page
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Grade: University

Gallery Talk: “The Autonomous Future of Mobility” 

  On November 7, 2020, assistant professors of architecture Constance Vale and Shantel Blakely discussed the historical consequences and future...

go to New Perspectives Talk: “A Visual Breakdown: Confronting the Strange in Max Ernst’s L’oeil du silence” page
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Grade: University

New Perspectives Talk: “A Visual Breakdown: Confronting the Strange in Max Ernst’s L’oeil du silence”

  On October 31, 2020, Max Dunbar, PhD candidate in the Department of Art History & Archaeology in Arts & Sciences, explored the...

go to Lecture: “Activating the Spectator by Reshaping the Aesthetic Field”  page
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Grade: University

Lecture: “Activating the Spectator by Reshaping the Aesthetic Field” 

  On October 10, 2020, the Kemper Art Museum presented a live online lecture by Alexander Alberro, Virginia Bloedel Wright Professor of Modern...

go to Gallery Talk: “Truths and Reckonings” page
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Grade: University

Gallery Talk: “Truths and Reckonings”

  On Tuesday, September 29, the Kemper Art Museum hosted an online tour of the spring 2020 Teaching Gallery exhibition, Truths and Reckonings:...

go to Lecture: “Hybrid Landscape, a Lecture by Walter Hood”  page
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Grade: University

Lecture: “Hybrid Landscape, a Lecture by Walter Hood” 

  On September 26, 2020, the Kemper Art Museum presented a lecture by the renowned landscape designer and artist Walter Hood, principal of Hood...

go to Discussion: “The Artwork in Flux, a Live Q&A”  page
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Grade: University

Discussion: “The Artwork in Flux, a Live Q&A” 

  On September 12, 2020, Natilee Harren, assistant professor of art history at the University of Houston School of Art, joined Meredith Malone,...

go to Discussion: “Global Vistas: American Art and Internationalism”  page
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Grade: University

Discussion: “Global Vistas: American Art and Internationalism” 

  On Saturday, August 15, 2020, the Kemper Art Museum hosted a live online conversation about the importance of international travel and...

go to Discussion: “Collection Care: A Conversation with the Midwest Art Conservation Center” page
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Grade: University

Discussion: “Collection Care: A Conversation with the Midwest Art Conservation Center”

  On July 25, 2020, conservators from the Midwest Art Conservation Center (MACC) joined a live online conversation about what goes on behind the...

go to Discussion: “The Art of Reading an Ancient Greek Vase”  page
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Grade: University

Discussion: “The Art of Reading an Ancient Greek Vase” 

  On June 6, 2020, faculty from Washington University's Department of Classics in Arts & Sciences discussed key works from the Kemper Art...

go to Discussion: “Public Art: Commissions, Collections, and Engagement”  page
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Grade: University

Discussion: “Public Art: Commissions, Collections, and Engagement” 

  What does public art mean while we shelter in place? What can it tell us about who we are during a global pandemic? A live online conversation...

go to Art on Campus: Jaume Plensa  page
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Grade: High University

Art on Campus: Jaume Plensa 

  Spanish artist Jaume Plensa discusses his process, public art, and the origins of Ainsa I, the site-specific sculpture is located at the south...

go to Art on Campus: Katharina Grosse  page
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Grade: High University

Art on Campus: Katharina Grosse 

  German artist Katharina Grosse discusses painting, its relationship to architecture, and her dramatic 2016 commission for Washington...

go to Guided Close Looking: Willem de Kooning, “Saturday Night” page
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Grade: Middle High University

Guided Close Looking: Willem de Kooning, “Saturday Night”

  Join Museum educator Meredith Lehman for a 5-minute slow look at Willem de Kooning's 1956 painting Saturday Night. Immerse yourself in the...

go to Gallery Talk: “Edition MAT and Marcel Duchamp”  page
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Grade: University

Gallery Talk: “Edition MAT and Marcel Duchamp” 

  Ideas of reproduction, transformation, and wide distribution were central to the artistic practice of Marcel Duchamp. On April 25, 2020,...

go to Selections from the Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae, 16th century page
Selections from the Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae, 16th century

Selections from the Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae, 16th century

March 2020

go to Lecture: “Unstable Futures: Conserving the Immaterial” page
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Grade: University

Lecture: “Unstable Futures: Conserving the Immaterial”

   Artistic exploration into technology from the 1960s to today has challenged the field of conservation as technologies rapidly evolve and...

go to Discussion: “Truths and Reckonings”  page
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Grade: University

Discussion: “Truths and Reckonings” 

  Taking the concept of the “pop-up” memorial museum as its point of departure, this panel discussion—held on February 10,...

go to Lecture: “How to Make a Refugee” page
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Grade: University

Lecture: “How to Make a Refugee”

  On November 15, 2019, Thomas Keenan, professor of comparative literature and director of the Human Rights Program at Bard College, gave the...

go to Ai Weiwei: Bare Life  page
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Grade: High University

Ai Weiwei: Bare Life 

  “I’m not a person who has a clear plan,” Ai Weiwei said. And yet, he observed, flowing “like a leaf on the...

go to Artist Q&A: Ai Weiwei  page
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Grade: University

Artist Q&A: Ai Weiwei 

  In conjunction with the Kemper Art Museum's fall 2019 special exhibition Ai Weiwei: Bare Life, Sabine Eckmann, William T. Kemper Director and...

go to Allan Sekula, Volunteer’s Soup (Isla de Ons, 12/19/02), 2002–3 page
Sekula Allan, Volunteer’s Soup (Isla de Ons, 12/19/02), 2002–3

Allan Sekula, Volunteer’s Soup (Isla de Ons, 12/19/02), 2002–3

Bräunert, Svea, September 2016

go to Carrie Mae Weems, Untitled (Colored People Grid), 2009–10 page
Weems Carrie Mae, Untitled (Colored People Grid), 2009–10

Carrie Mae Weems, Untitled (Colored People Grid), 2009–10

Unruh, Allison, September 2016

go to Isa Genzken, Bill II, 2001, and Little Crazy Column, 2002 page
Genzken Isa, Bill II, 2001, and Little Crazy Column, 2002

Isa Genzken, Bill II, 2001, and Little Crazy Column, 2002

Bräunert, Svea, September 2016

go to Paul Gauguin, Te Atua (The Gods), 1899 page
Gauguin Paul, Te Atua (The Gods), 1899

Paul Gauguin, Te Atua (The Gods), 1899

Childs, Elizabeth (Washington University in St. Louis), September 2016

go to Honoré Daumier, Europe, 1867 page
Daumier Honoré, Europe, 1867

Honoré Daumier, Europe, 1867

Valsamas, Maxime, March 2016

go to Thomas Cole, Aqueduct near Rome, 1832 page
Cole Thomas, Aqueduct near Rome, 1832

Thomas Cole, Aqueduct near Rome, 1832

Coleman, William L. (Washington University in St. Louis), February 2016

go to Odilon Redon, Une femme revêtue du soleil (A Woman Clothed in Sunshine), 1899 page
Redon Odilon, Une femme revêtue du soleil (A Woman Clothed in Sunshine), 1899

Odilon Redon, Une femme revêtue du soleil (A Woman Clothed in Sunshine), 1899

Zahra, Orin, December 2015

go to Nicole Eisenman, Tea Party, 2012 page
Eisenman Nicole, Tea Party, 2012

Nicole Eisenman, Tea Party, 2012

Shindler, Kelly, November 2015

go to Art on Campus: Ann Hamilton  page
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Grade: High University

Art on Campus: Ann Hamilton 

  Ann Hamilton discusses her project O N E E V E R Y O N E · St. Louis, for which she photographed nearly 300 people during a pair of...

go to (PDF) Freedom's Memorial, 1875 page

(PDF) Freedom's Memorial, 1875

go to Thomas Ball, Freedom's Memorial, 1875 page
Ball Thomas, Freedom's Memorial, 1875

Thomas Ball, Freedom's Memorial, 1875

Harnish, Katherine, April 2015

go to St. Louis and Arts Philanthropy at Midcentury: The Case of Etta E. Steinberg page
Two women stand in front of a large abstract sculpture
The Case of Etta E. Steinberg

St. Louis and Arts Philanthropy at Midcentury: The Case of Etta E. Steinberg

Childs, Elizabeth (Washington University in St. Louis), January 2015

go to Yto Barrada, Tunnel—Disused Survey Site for a Morocco–Spain Connection and Landslip, Cromlech de Mzora, 2001–2002 page
Barrada Yto, Tunnel—Disused Survey Site for a Morocco–Spain Connection and Landslip, Cromlech de Mzora, 2001–2002

Yto Barrada, Tunnel—Disused Survey Site for a Morocco–Spain Connection and Landslip, Cromlech de Mzora, 2001–2002

April 2014

go to Franz Seraph von Lenbach, Portrait of Prince Otto von Bismarck, 1884–90 page
Lenbach Franz Seraph von, Portrait of Prince Otto von Bismarck, 1884–90

Franz Seraph von Lenbach, Portrait of Prince Otto von Bismarck, 1884–90

van Dyke, James (University of Missouri–Columbia), March 2014

go to Sanford Robinson Gifford, Rheinstein, Early October in the White Mountains, and Venetian Sails: A Study, 1872–1874 page
Gifford Sanford Robinson, Rheinstein, Early October in the White Mountains, Venetian Sails: A Study, 1872-1874

Sanford Robinson Gifford, Rheinstein, Early October in the White Mountains, and Venetian Sails: A Study, 1872–1874

Padgett, Jennifer, December 2013

go to Hendrick Goltzius, The Great Hercules, 1589 page
Goltzius Hendrick, The Great Hercules, 1589

Hendrick Goltzius, The Great Hercules, 1589

Bass, Marisa, October 2013

go to Eugene Berman, The Good Samaritan (Le bon Samaritain), 1930 page
Berman Eugene, The Good Samaritan (Le bon Samaritain), 1930

Eugene Berman, The Good Samaritan (Le bon Samaritain), 1930

Holz, Keith, March 2013

go to Georges Braque and the Cubist Still Life 1928–1945  page
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Grade: High University

Georges Braque and the Cubist Still Life 1928–1945 

  In the early 20th century, Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso invented Cubism and shook the foundations of Western art. But in the 1930s, as the...

go to Daniel Hopfer, The Peasant Feast, c. 1533–36 page
Hopfer Daniel, The Peasant Feast, c. 1533–36

Daniel Hopfer, The Peasant Feast, c. 1533–36

Wyckoff, Elizabeth, December 2012

go to Paul Klee, Zeichensammlung Südlich (Collection of Southern Signs), 1924 page
Klee Paul, Zeichensammlung Südlich (Collection of Southern Signs), 1924

Paul Klee, Zeichensammlung Südlich (Collection of Southern Signs), 1924

McGavran, Sarah, April 2012

go to Jackson Pollock, Sleeping Effort, 1953 page
Pollock Jackson, Sleeping Effort, 1953

Jackson Pollock, Sleeping Effort, 1953

Miller, Angela, March 2012

go to Fumihiko Maki, Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum building, 2006 page
Fumihiko Maki, Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum building, 2006
Maki Fumihiko, Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum building, 2006

Fumihiko Maki, Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum building, 2006

Mumford, Eric P. (Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, Washington University in St. Louis), November 2011

go to Albrecht Dürer, Melencolia I, 1514 page
Dürer Albrecht, Melencolia I, 1514

Albrecht Dürer, Melencolia I, 1514

Gregg, Ryan, September 2011

go to Fernand Léger, Les belles cyclistes (The Women Cyclists), 1944 page
Léger Fernand, Les belles cyclistes (The Women Cyclists), 1944

Fernand Léger, Les belles cyclistes (The Women Cyclists), 1944

Malone, Meredith (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), July 2011

go to Frederic Edwin Church, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, 1883 page
Frederic Edwin Church (American, 1826–1900), Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, 1883. Oil on canvas, 40 1/16 x 60 1/8 in. Bequest of Charles Parsons, 1905.
Church Frederic Edwin, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, 1883

Frederic Edwin Church, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, 1883

Bailey, Matthew (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), April 2011

go to Henri Matisse, Nature morte aux oranges (II) (Still Life with Oranges [II]), c. 1899 page
Matisse Henri, Nature morte aux oranges (II) [Still Life with Oranges (II)], c. 1899

Henri Matisse, Nature morte aux oranges (II) (Still Life with Oranges [II]), c. 1899

Klein, John (Washington University in St. Louis), April 2011

go to Barbara Kruger, Untitled, 1989–90 page
Kruger Barbara, Untitled, 1989–90

Barbara Kruger, Untitled, 1989–90

Bailey, Bradley, November 2010

go to Philip Guston, If This Be Not I, 1945 page
Guston Philip, If This Be Not I, 1945

Philip Guston, If This Be Not I, 1945

Roth, Lynette, October 2010

go to Alberto Burri, Gran Ferro M1, 1958, and Gran Ferro M3, 1959 page
Burri Alberto, Gran Ferro M1, 1958, and Gran Ferro M3, 1959

Alberto Burri, Gran Ferro M1, 1958, and Gran Ferro M3, 1959

Butler, Karen K. (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), September 2010

go to Allan McCollum, Pam Beale, 1971 page
McCollum Allan, Pam Beale, 1971

Allan McCollum, Pam Beale, 1971

Malone, Meredith (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), August 2010

go to Max Beckmann, Weather-vane from the series Day and Dream, 1946 page
Beckmann Max, Weather-vane from the series Day and Dream, 1946

Max Beckmann, Weather-vane from the series Day and Dream, 1946

Norton, Sydney (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), April 2010

go to Unknown, Wulfing Repoussé Plaques, c. 1200–1400 page
Unknown, Wulfing Repoussé Plaques, c. 1200–1400

Unknown, Wulfing Repoussé Plaques, c. 1200–1400

Robb, Matthew, March 2010

go to Robert Motherwell, Interior with Pink Nude, 1951 page
Motherwell Robert, Interior with Pink Nude, 1951

Robert Motherwell, Interior with Pink Nude, 1951

Butler, Karen K. (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), January 2010

go to Jean Dubuffet, Tête barbue, 1959, and Poches aux yeux, 1959 page
Dubuffet Jean, Tête barbue, 1959, and Poches aux yeux, 1959

Jean Dubuffet, Tête barbue, 1959, and Poches aux yeux, 1959

Butler, Karen K. (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), December 2009

go to Wolfgang Tillmans, Portrait series, 2001 page
Tillmans Wolfgang, Portrait series, 2001

Wolfgang Tillmans, Portrait series, 2001

Warbelow, Anna, September 2009

go to Howard Jones, Solo Two, 1966 page
Jones Howard, Solo Two, 1966

Howard Jones, Solo Two, 1966

Malone, Meredith (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), August 2009

go to Pierre Soulages, Peinture 200 x 265 cm, 20 mai 1959 (Painting 200 x 265 cm, 20 May 1959), 1959 page
Soulages Pierre, Peinture 200 x 265 cm, 20 mai 1959 (Painting 200 x 265 cm, 20 May 1959), 1959

Pierre Soulages, Peinture 200 x 265 cm, 20 mai 1959 (Painting 200 x 265 cm, 20 May 1959), 1959

Butler, Karen K. (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), May 2009

go to Georges Braque, Nature morte et verre (Still Life with Glass), 1930 page
Braque Georges, Nature morte et verre (Still Life with Glass), 1930

Georges Braque, Nature morte et verre (Still Life with Glass), 1930

Butler, Karen K. (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), March 2009

go to Lorna Simpson, Counting, 1991 page
Simpson Lorna, Counting, 1991

Lorna Simpson, Counting, 1991

Weichbrodt, Elissa, February 2009

go to Christian Boltanski, Padre Mariano, 1994 page
Boltanski Christian, Padre Mariano, 1994

Christian Boltanski, Padre Mariano, 1994

DeRoo, Rebecca, January 2009

go to Raphael Soyer, Girl Standing Semi-nude, c. 1940 page
Soyer Raphael, Girl Standing Semi-nude, c. 1940

Raphael Soyer, Girl Standing Semi-nude, c. 1940

Campbell, Bryna, December 2008

go to Joseph Stella, Man in Elevated (Train), c. 1916–18 page
Stella Joseph, Man in Elevated (Train), c. 1916–18

Joseph Stella, Man in Elevated (Train), c. 1916–18

Murawski, Michael, November 2008

go to Rembrandt van Rijn, The Three Crosses, 1660-61 page
van Rijn Rembrandt, The Three Crosses, 1660–61

Rembrandt van Rijn, The Three Crosses, 1660-61

Crenshaw, Paul (Washington University in St. Louis), October 2008

go to Hermonax, Nolan Amphora, 475–465 BC page
Hermonax, Nolan Amphora, 475–465 BC

Hermonax, Nolan Amphora, 475–465 BC

McClelland, Grizelda, September 2008

go to Alexander Calder, Five Rudders, 1964 page
Calder Alexander, Five Rudders, 1964

Alexander Calder, Five Rudders, 1964

Malone, Meredith (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), August 2008

go to Narcisse Virgile Diaz de la Peña, Wood Interior, 1867 page
Diaz de la Peña Narcisse Virgile, Wood Interior, 1867

Narcisse Virgile Diaz de la Peña, Wood Interior, 1867

Keith, Rachel (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), July 2008

go to Harriet Hosmer, Oenone, 1854–55 page
Hosmer Harriet, Oenone, 1854–55

Harriet Hosmer, Oenone, 1854–55

Sutherland Minter, Erin (Washington University in St. Louis), June 2008

go to George Wesley Bellows, Portrait of Geraldine Lee, No. 1, 1914 page
Bellows George Wesley, Portrait of Geraldine Lee, No. 1, 1914

George Wesley Bellows, Portrait of Geraldine Lee, No. 1, 1914

Murawski, Michael, May 2008

go to Willem de Kooning, Saturday Night, 1956 page
de Kooning Willem, Saturday Night, 1956

Willem de Kooning, Saturday Night, 1956

Curley, John J., April 2008

go to Max Ernst, L’oeil du silence (The Eye of Silence), 1943-44 page
Ernst Max, L’oeil du silence (The Eye of Silence), 1943-44

Max Ernst, L’oeil du silence (The Eye of Silence), 1943-44

Eckmann, Sabine (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), March 2008

go to Joseph Jones, Landscape, 1932 page
Jones Joseph, Landscape, 1932

Joseph Jones, Landscape, 1932

Campbell, Bryna, February 2008

go to Ludwig Meidner, Selbstbildnis (Self-Portrait), 1912 page
Meidner Ludwig, Selbstbildnis (Self-Portrait), 1912

Ludwig Meidner, Selbstbildnis (Self-Portrait), 1912

Popiel, Anne, January 2008

go to Olafur Eliasson, Your Imploded View, 2001 page
Eliasson Olafur, Your Imploded View, 2001

Olafur Eliasson, Your Imploded View, 2001

Malone, Meredith (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), December 2007

go to Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, Le chemin des vieux, Luzancy, Seine-et-Marne, 1871–72 page
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (French, 1796–1875), Le chemin des vieux, Luzancy, Seine-et-Marne (The Path of the Old People), 1871–72. Oil on canvas on Masonite, 2 7/8 x 22 in. Bequest of Charles Parsons, 1905.
Corot Jean-Baptiste-Camille, Le chemin des vieux, Luzancy, Seine-et-Marne, 1871–72

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, Le chemin des vieux, Luzancy, Seine-et-Marne, 1871–72

Paulson Bradley, Noelle, November 2007

go to Thomas Eakins, Portrait of Professor W. D. Marks, 1886 page
Eakins Thomas, Portrait of Professor W. D. Marks, 1886

Thomas Eakins, Portrait of Professor W. D. Marks, 1886

Boone, Emilie, October 2007

go to John Baldessari, Two Compositions (Formal / Informal; Interior / Exterior), 1990 page
Baldessari John, Two Compositions (Formal / Informal; Interior / Exterior), 1990

John Baldessari, Two Compositions (Formal / Informal; Interior / Exterior), 1990

Manchanda, Catharina, September 2007

go to Marsden Hartley, The Iron Cross, 1915 page
Hartley Marsden, The Iron Cross, 1915

Marsden Hartley, The Iron Cross, 1915

Murawski, Michael (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), August 2007

go to Max Beckmann, Les Artistes mit Gemüse (Artists with Vegetable), 1943 page
Beckmann Max, Les Artistes mit Gemüse (Artists with Vegetable), 1943

Max Beckmann, Les Artistes mit Gemüse (Artists with Vegetable), 1943

Eckmann, Sabine (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), July 2007

go to Andrea Fraser, Little Frank and His Carp, 2001 page
Fraser Andrea, Little Frank and His Carp, 2001

Andrea Fraser, Little Frank and His Carp, 2001

Malone, Meredith (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), June 2007

go to Franz Ackermann, Condominium, 1994–2002 page
Ackermann Franz, Condominium, 1994–2002

Franz Ackermann, Condominium, 1994–2002

Kovach, Jodi (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), May 2007

go to Josef Albers, Homage to the Square: Aurora, 1951-55 page
Albers Josef, Homage to the Square: Aurora, 1951-55

Josef Albers, Homage to the Square: Aurora, 1951-55

Murawski, Michael, April 2007

go to Cosima von Bonin, Rockstars (Character Appropriation), 2003 page
Bonin Cosima von, Rockstars (Character Appropriation), 2003

Cosima von Bonin, Rockstars (Character Appropriation), 2003

Kovach, Jodi (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), March 2007

go to Romare Bearden, Black Venus, 1968 page
Bearden Romare, Black Venus, 1968

Romare Bearden, Black Venus, 1968

Malone, Meredith (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), February 2007

go to Lucebert, The Menaced House, 1962 page
Lucebert, The Menaced House, 1962

Lucebert, The Menaced House, 1962

Malone, Meredith (Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis), January 2007

go to "American Art Chronicle," November 1880 page
Heading of the article "American Art Chronicle" from the American Art Review
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"American Art Chronicle," November 1880

go to "Art Museum Centennial," Washington University Magazine, Fall 1981 page
The cover of the Fall 1981 Washington University Magazine. The title is written at the top of the cover and there is an Matisse still life underneath it.
Art Museum Centennial_Fall 1981

"Art Museum Centennial," Washington University Magazine, Fall 1981

go to "Stacking Traumas": Communicating Sound, Negotiating Trauma page
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Grade: High University

"Stacking Traumas": Communicating Sound, Negotiating Trauma

go to "The University Collections," Washington University Magazine, Fall 1963 page
The cover of the Fall 1963 Washington University Magazine. The title is written at the bottom of the page and the entire cover is filled with an image of a gold Chima (Peruvian) mask on a grey background.
The University Collections_Fall 1963

"The University Collections," Washington University Magazine, Fall 1963

go to 19th- and Early 20th-Century American and European Art page
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Grade: High University

19th- and Early 20th-Century American and European Art

go to Across Past, Present, and Future: Art by Black Artists page
Grade: High University

Across Past, Present, and Future: Art by Black Artists

go to American and European Art Post-1950 page
Grade: High University

American and European Art Post-1950

go to Art Talk page
Grade: Elementary Middle High University

Art Talk

Engage in an interpretive conversation about a work of art. 

go to Art and Activism page
Grade: Middle

Art and Activism

go to Art and Storytelling page
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Grade: Middle

Art and Storytelling

go to Balancing Acts page
Grade: Elementary Middle

Balancing Acts

Combine art and engineering to create a sculpture that responds creatively to design problems.  Download the Balancing Acts educator resource:

go to Bolas, Gerald D., "One Hundred Years of the Washington University Art Collection," 1981 page
The first page of "One Hundred Years of the Washington University Art Collection"
Bolas_One Hundred Years_1981

Bolas, Gerald D., "One Hundred Years of the Washington University Art Collection," 1981

go to Borders and Resistance page
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Grade: High University

Borders and Resistance

A close look at the photography of Franco-Moroccan artist Yto Barrada in the collection of the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum "All my work explores...

go to Butler, Karen K., "Frederick Hartt and American Abstraction in the 1950s: Building the Collection at Washington University in St. Louis. St. Louis," 2012 page
The cover for the exhibition catalogue. The title is written at the top right of the cover.
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Butler, Karen K., "Frederick Hartt and American Abstraction in the 1950s: Building the Collection at Washington University in St. Louis. St. Louis," 2012

go to Connecting Literature and Visual Art page
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Grade: High University

Connecting Literature and Visual Art

go to Continuous Line Drawing page
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Grade: Elementary Middle High University

Continuous Line Drawing

Slow down, focus your attention, and notice more the longer you look with this close looking activity. 

go to Conversation Bubbles page
Grade: Elementary Middle High University

Conversation Bubbles

Step inside the scene and imagine a conversation between figures with this creative writing activity.  Download a PDF of the Conversation...

go to Eckmann, Sabine, "Introduction; or, The (Re)Making of Art History," 2016 page
The cover of the book Spotlights: Collected by the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum. The title is at the top of the cover with Spotlights on the top line and the subtitle on the bottom line. The bottom two thirds of the cover are an image of Fernand Leger's painting Les Belles Cyclistes.
Eckmann_Introduction Spotlights_2016

Eckmann, Sabine, "Introduction; or, The (Re)Making of Art History," 2016

go to Ekphrastic Poem page
Grade: Elementary Middle High University

Ekphrastic Poem

Amplify and expand the meaning of an artwork through vivid description with this creative writing activity.  

go to Expressing Emotions page
Grade: Middle

Expressing Emotions

Download the Expressing Emotions handout and educator resource:

go to Group Poem page
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Grade: Elementary Middle High University

Group Poem

Practice perspective-taking with this collaborative creative writing activity. 

go to Ives Memorial Association, Halsey Cooley Ives, LL.D. 1847-1911, 1915 page
The title page of the text. The full title "Halsey Cooley Ives, LL.D. 1847-1911: Founder of the St. Louis School of Fine Arts, First Director of the City Art Museum of St. Louis" is written in several lines.
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Ives Memorial Association, Halsey Cooley Ives, LL.D. 1847-1911, 1915

go to Ives, Halsey C., "The St. Louis School and Museum of Fine Arts," April 1908 page
The cover of the Bulletin of the Washington University Association. The title and University seal are printed in red and black ink on a brown background.
Ives, Halsey C._The St. Louis School and Museum of Fine Arts_04.1908.pdf

Ives, Halsey C., "The St. Louis School and Museum of Fine Arts," April 1908

go to Janson, H. W., "Centennial Address, 1981 page
Cover of "H. W. Janson and the Legacy of Modern Art at Washington University in St. Louis." The title is written in two lines on the left side of the cover and there are pictures of artwork in a row on the left side of the cover.
Janson_Centennial Address_1981

Janson, H. W., "Centennial Address, 1981

go to Janson, H. W., Modern Art in the Washington University Collection, March 1947 page
The title page for the City Art Bulletin of May 1947. In black text on a white page it says Modern Art in the Washington University Collection at the top left of the page. At the bottom right it says A Catalogue by H. W. Janson St. Louis, 1947.
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Janson, H. W., Modern Art in the Washington University Collection, March 1947

go to Kansas City Times, "A Gala Week: The Museum of Fine Arts and the New Southern at St. Louis," May 15, 1881 page
Heading from the article "A Gala Week: The Museum of Fine Arts and the New Southern at St. Louis" from the Kansas City Times
Kansas City Times_A Gala Week_1881.05.15

Kansas City Times, "A Gala Week: The Museum of Fine Arts and the New Southern at St. Louis," May 15, 1881

go to Ketner, Joseph D., "A Gallery of Modern Art," 1994 page
The first page of "A Gallery of Modern Art at Washington University in St. Louis"
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Ketner, Joseph D., "A Gallery of Modern Art," 1994

go to Leven, Arline, Charles Parsons Collection of Paintings, 1977. page
The cover of "Charles Parsons: Collection of Paintings." The title is written in gold foil at the top of the cover and "Washington University St. Louis Missouri" is written in black ink at the bottom of the cover.
Charles Parsons Collection of Paintings_1977

Leven, Arline, Charles Parsons Collection of Paintings, 1977.

go to Lines, Shapes, and Colors page
Grade: Elementary

Lines, Shapes, and Colors

go to Museum of Fine Arts postcard page
Postcard with a drawing of the original Museum of Fine Arts building.
Museum of Fine Arts Postcard

Museum of Fine Arts postcard

go to New York Times, "An Art Gift to St. Louis," May 12, 1881 page
Heading for the article "An Art Gift for St. Louis" from the New York Times
New York Times_An Art Gift_1881.05.12

New York Times, "An Art Gift to St. Louis," May 12, 1881

go to New York Times, "Current News of the Fine Arts," April 22, 1894 page
Heading from the article "Current News of the Fine Arts" from the New York Times
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New York Times, "Current News of the Fine Arts," April 22, 1894

go to Photograph of Charles M. Kurtz and Halsey C. Ives, circa 1893 page
Two men are around a wooden desk. One (Charles M. Kurtz) is standing. He is bearded and wearing a checkered suit. The other (Halsey C. Ives) is seated. He has a mustache and is wearing a dark suit.
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Photograph of Charles M. Kurtz and Halsey C. Ives, circa 1893

go to Photograph of the original Museum of Fine Arts building at Nineteenth and Locust Streets page
Photograph of the original Museum of Fine Arts building at Nineteenth and Locusts Streets. The picture is taken at a hard angle and shows the side and facade of the building. Three figures in skirts and hats are visible walking in front of the building.
Photograph of Original Museum of Fine Arts Building

Photograph of the original Museum of Fine Arts building at Nineteenth and Locust Streets

go to Sherwood, Dolly, "My Dearest Mr. Crow," Washington University Magazine, Fall 1981 page
The cover of the Fall 1981 Washington University Magazine. The title is written at the top of the cover and there is an Matisse still life underneath it.
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Sherwood, Dolly, "My Dearest Mr. Crow," Washington University Magazine, Fall 1981

go to Spiderweb Weaving page
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Grade: Elementary Middle

Spiderweb Weaving

Take a cue from Tomás Saraceno’s Cosmic Filaments and create your own spiderweb while learning the art of weaving.  Download the...

go to St Louis Globe-Democrat, "A Grand Gift: Mr. Wayman Crow Formally Dedicates the Museum of Fine Arts," May 11, 1881 page
Heading for the article "A Grand Gift: Mr. Wayman Crow Formally Dedicates the Museum of Fine Arts" from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat
St. Louis Globe-Democrat_A Grand Gift_1881.05.11

St Louis Globe-Democrat, "A Grand Gift: Mr. Wayman Crow Formally Dedicates the Museum of Fine Arts," May 11, 1881

go to St. Louis Globe Democrat, "Washington University," June 13, 1879 page
Heading from the article "Educational: Washington University" from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat
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St. Louis Globe Democrat, "Washington University," June 13, 1879

go to St. Louis Globe-Democrat, "Art Notes," March 6, 1881 page
Heading from the article "Art Notes" from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat
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St. Louis Globe-Democrat, "Art Notes," March 6, 1881

go to St. Louis Globe-Democrat, "The School of Fine Arts: Closing of the Regular Session-Prof. Halsey C. Ives Makes an Address to the Pupils," May 8, 1881 page
Heading for the article "The School of Fine Arts: Closing of the Regular Session—Prof. Halsey C. Ives Makes and Address to the Pupils" from the St. Louis Globe Democrat
St. Louis Globe-Democrat_The School of Fine Arts_1881.05.08

St. Louis Globe-Democrat, "The School of Fine Arts: Closing of the Regular Session-Prof. Halsey C. Ives Makes an Address to the Pupils," May 8, 1881

go to St. Louis Globe-Democrat, "Washington University: Its Art Department, Museum of Fine Arts and Manual Training School," June 21, 1879 page
The heading for the article "Washington University: Its Art Department, Museum of FIne Arts, and Manual Training School" from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat
St. Louis Globe-Democrat_Washington University Its Art Department_1879.06.20

St. Louis Globe-Democrat, "Washington University: Its Art Department, Museum of Fine Arts and Manual Training School," June 21, 1879

go to St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Exhibition advertisement, May 30, 1881 page
The exhibition advertisement for the Museum of Fine Arts from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat
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St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Exhibition advertisement, May 30, 1881

go to St. Louis Post Dispatch, "Washington University: The Crow Art Building and the New Manual Training School," July 31, 1880 page
The beginning of the article "Washington University: The Crow Art Building and the New Manual Training School" from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
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St. Louis Post Dispatch, "Washington University: The Crow Art Building and the New Manual Training School," July 31, 1880

go to St. Louis Post-Dispatch, "Museum of Fine Arts: Wayman Crow's Generous Gift to the City of St. Louis," May 7, 1881 page
The heading for the article "Wayman Crow's Generous Gift to the City of St. Louis" from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
St. Louis Post-Dispatch_Museum of Fine Arts_1881.05.07

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, "Museum of Fine Arts: Wayman Crow's Generous Gift to the City of St. Louis," May 7, 1881

go to St. Louis Post-Dispatch, "Prof. Ives' Return," September 26, 1885 page
The first few sentences of the article "Prof. Ives' Return" from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
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St. Louis Post-Dispatch, "Prof. Ives' Return," September 26, 1885

go to St. Louis Post-Dispatch, "The City's Growth: The Progress of Building in St. Louis," August 20, 1879 page
The header text for the article "The City's Growth: The Progress of Building in St. Louis" in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
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St. Louis Post-Dispatch, "The City's Growth: The Progress of Building in St. Louis," August 20, 1879

go to Symbols in Art and Math page
Grade: Elementary Middle

Symbols in Art and Math

Let’s take a close look at a painting by Alfred Jensen, an artist fascinated by the meaningful patterns found in number systems, in order to...

go to The Power of Queer Portraiture page
Grade: High

The Power of Queer Portraiture

Download the educator resource:

go to Tissue Paper Collage page
Grade: Elementary Middle

Tissue Paper Collage

Create a tissue paper collage inspired by the artist Amy Sillman’s painting process. 

go to Wallace, William, "Frederick Hartt: A Tribute," 2012 page
The title page for William Wallace's essay. "Frederick Hartt" is written in the top right of the page and "A Tribute" is written in the lower right. In the center of the page is a picture of a pink typewriter.
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Wallace, William, "Frederick Hartt: A Tribute," 2012