Art on Campus

The Art on Campus program at Washington University is a growing collection of public artworks by nationally and internationally recognized artists. Reflecting the diversity, creativity, and scholarship of the University, these artworks enhance the cultural, intellectual, and visual experience of all who visit as well as those who study and work here.
By giving public art a strong presence throughout campus, the program reframes and transforms the environment, provoking consideration of both place and space. Participating artists use a wide variety of mediums and genres, creating works that range from stand-alone sculptures to architectural interventions that variously engage with the social and physical contexts of their sites.
Established in 2010, Art on Campus is administered by the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum in the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts. It is funded by a Washington University policy that sets aside one percent of eligible capital projects and renovations on the Danforth Campus for the purchase and commission of public art. A campus-wide committee guides the program and is charged with identifying locations, selecting artists, and approving proposals.
The Kemper Art Museum’s Director and Chief Curator and the University Architect cochair the committee to ensure that the University’s short- and long-term plans for capital projects are incorporated into the planning for art installations and that artworks meet museum standards for aesthetic distinction and historical significance.
Learn more in this virtual tour.